EFCA Credentialing
Support Center
Contact Us
How do I log in?
I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
How do I make changes to my profile?
For District Staff
How does the Credentialing Application work?
What email notifications will I receive?
My district has special requirements. How are they represented in the platform?
How do I delete a request for a credential?
How do I know if I am a candidate's district staff representative?
For Candidates
How will I know when a decision has been made on my application?
What are the requirements for a specific credential?
How do I register for an EFCA Credentialing account?
How do I know which credential to request?
What email notifications will I receive?
For Administrators
How do I edit a candidate's profile?
How do I create an EFCA Credentialing account for someone else?
How do I delete a candidate?
How do I assign a candidate to a district staff representative?
How do I see all active and completed credential requests?
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